Saturday, May 12, 2012

Excuses, Excuses...

I have been toying with the idea of starting a Paleo blog for months. I kept stopping myself for three reasons:

1. The first reason was a time issue. I was spending nearly all of my time shopping for food, and then prepping, cooking and cleaning in the kitchen. Can anyone relate?

Excuse busted: I am getting better at staying on top of the weekly food haul and the truth is that I do have the time.

2. The second reason is that there are already so many fantastic Paleo blogs out there. I didn't feel that I had anything particularly different or special to contribute.

Excuse busted: Everyone has a unique story to tell and the more people who are out beating the Paleo/Primal drum, the better it is for all of us. Also, I would love to connect with other Paleo people in San Diego, and if I can help someone along the way, that's great. We all need the support.

3. The third reason is one of my old standbys: PERFECTIONISM. One of the bad traits about a perfectionist is that they can't accept a good enough solution. And frequently they won't start something unless they already know how to do it perfectly. I want my blog to look great right out of the box and I have to face the fact that it's not going to.

Excuse busted: This blog is going to suck for a while, but dealing with that and moving forward anyway will be good for my perfectionist soul.

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