Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Well Fed Options

I mention the cookbook Well Fed by Meliisa Joulwan in just about every post on this blog.  If you don't have a copy yet, and are thinking about buying one, you might want to consider buying a PDF copy directly from Melissa's website.  Once upon a time, I had the paperback copy (it's now moved on to friends), but the PDF copy is the one I use in my kitchen.  I actually prefer the PDF because, once printed and placed in a binder, it will lay flat.  There have been some complaints that the paperback's binding doesn't hold up very well, so the PDF option solves that problem.  It also makes me feel better about scribling notes all over the pages.  Here's my copy:

Another cool thing about buying the PDF is this note on Melissa's blog:

Neato news! For every PDF we sell, we’re donating $1 to Common Threads, a non-profit organization that teaches low-income children how to cook wholesome, real food with a free 10-week, hands-on cooking class. Learn more about Common Threads.

Another tip: Melissa posted a list of corrections to the cookbook here.  So, if the directions in any of the recipes seem a little fuzzy, there's a good chance she's added some clarification via an errata sheet.

A final picture of Well Fed shows the proper use for a toaster oven!  Yes, that's right, now that I am eating Paleo, the only use I have for a toaster oven is to hold recipes while I'm cooking.

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